Tarsnap GUI
A GUI frontend for the popular Tarsnap online backup service.
Tarsnap GUI is open source (BSD licensed), cross-platform and written in C++ with the help of the Qt SDK framework. While the original Tarsnap command line client is oriented towards server and scripted backups, facilitating workflows from inside a terminal, the GUI frontend application allows the desktop user to easily back up important files and directories using a lean and no-fuss interface while benefiting from the same power, flexibility, openness and cost effectiveness that the Tarsnap service implies and provides.
Tarsnap News
- [2017-07-29] Tarsnap GUI v1.0 stable released. See list announcement and blog post
- [2015-06-11] Tarsnap GUI v0.5 released. See list announcement and blog post
Project page on GitHub: https://github.com/Tarsnap/tarsnap-gui/Wiki pages: Github Wiki pages
A GUI frontend for the popular John the Ripper password cracker.
Johnny is open source, cross-platform and written in C++ using the Qt SDK framework. The application is defined as an efficient, intuitive and the same time a powerful interface that is both easy to use and feature rich enough to access both core John the Ripper functionality as well as the more advanced Jumbo version, an approach that will enable inexperienced users to be comfortable with using JtR as well as please the more experienced ones to achieve maximum usage efficiency and the best cracking experience. :-)
Johnny News
- [2015-07-08] Johnny v2.0 released. See list announcement and blog post
- [2012-08-21] Johnny v1.1 released
NetcatGUI is a simple gui program that is set to emulate the popular network "swiss army knife" tool called netcat(nc) using an easy to use graphical user interface and cross platform mentality.
There are easy keyboard shortcuts for almost every operation of NetcatGUI in order to achieve maximum efficiency. If you get used to them(they're pretty obvious)you will feel as close as you can to a console despite of using a gui.
NetcatGUI is written in Qt, thus it supports Linux, Mac OS X, BSD and Windows out of the box. The source code is released under GNU GPL v2.
NetcatGUI News
More info: READMEThe source is on GitHub: https://github.com/shinnok/netcatgui
MS Windows standalone portable binary (static build): NetcatGUI-v1.0-win-portable.zip
Linux shared binary (build with shared Qt4 libraries, make sure you have them installed on your system): NetcatGUI_1.0_linux_shared.tar.gz
Old projects
Mandatory comment: Mind you, that the projects and the codez found bellow are pretty old now. They're from around the first year of college or so :-D, I was pretty young(in programming too) back then and are not maintained any more. I did not achieve all the preset goals for those projects(like security for eg.). I list them just in case someone might find them useful or wishing to improve them.
The M-ftp project consists of a concurent TCP based Open Source FTP server for Unix like systems.The implementation meets the standard requirements for File Transfer Protocol defined in RFC 959 plus some of the extensions required to cover a wide area of FTP clients.M-ftp is intended to be a very light,easy to set-up,easy to use and reliable FTP server. More info on my old website, #thecode.